Adventure Travel Tales and Photos of Egypt

Photos of the Mosque of Mohammed Ali in Cairo

The Mosque of Mohammed Ali resides within the walls of the Citadel. Although the Citadel is much older, the Mosque of Mohammed Ali dates to the early 1800's. Mohammed Ali is generally regarded as the founder of modern Egypt. He also has a reputation for cunning and cruelty - acquired during the time when he gained and was trying to consolidate his power. He invited 500 mameluke leaders to Cairo only to ambush and slaughter all but one.

The inside of the Mosque of Mohammed Ali is quite spectacular. It is also quite spacious (but not Cairo's largest mosque) at over 41 meters across.

The large central dome is surrounded by other smaller domes.

This beautiful chandelier hangs from the ceiling, 52 meters above the floor.

The northern walls of the Citadel are 33 ft tall and 10 ft thick.

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