Adventure Travel Tales and Photos of Egypt

Photos of Nubian villages on Elephantine Island

The people and homes in the Nubian villages of Elephantine Island are quite colorful. Some of the homes are painted quite colorfully - sometimes with pictures, other times the homes are ramshackle and run down. The children here will almost always ask for money.

Life seemed a bit bleak here but the children were as happy as any anywhere.

This is my "Planet of the Apes" photo, the ancient Egyptian statue protruding from the sand much like the Statue of Liberty did in the movie, seemingly just a piece of the landscape to the people around it.

I was at times assailed for baksheesh by the children. At other times, I was invited into homes to see preparation of food for the festival that marked the end of Ramadan. Some of these villages are the center of the alabaster trade, where craftsman carve alabaster for sale at the shops. At one home, I enjoyed tea while watching a man carve a cobra from alabaster. After having me served with tea and sweet cakes, he would accept nothing in return for the warm hospitality.

At the southern end of Elephantine Island are the Yebu ruins, which date back to Roman times.

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